Recruitment In Social Networks: Fresh Recruitment

Digitization has streamlined the search processes, selection of professional profiles and recruitment in social networks. How? Very simple: nowadays you have access to profiles and individual information of each person, of each candidate. Platforms and social networks to search for a job, such as LinkedIn (Facebook and Twitter are not the most suitable), have the mission of facilitating access and connectivity between professional profiles.
From a recruiting perspective, all of this access allows HR professionals to know in advance, before starting the selection stage, a large part of the capabilities, the way of being, and the experience of the candidate. They know well the skills they need, so it is becoming more and more common for the search to be proactive, and they are the ones who try to locate potential candidates after seeing some of their work online.
Recruitment 2.0 is over, LinkedIn is now the network where more HR professionals search for candidates for recruitment processes.
Using Social Media To Find Candidates
In this way, human resources departments eliminate a large part of that first stage of recruitment in the selection process that requires sifting through a significant volume of resumes and profiles. This has meant that specialized job search websites have been on the rise.
Job search applications have appeared with ‘almost immediate’ results. With them, the employer can instantly receive answers to his demands and decide to interview those candidates that are interesting to him in a concise space of time. It is the so-called ‘ fresh recruitment, ‘which has been installed forever as one of the most efficient procedures to hire professionals in companies.
Recruitment And Selection At The Click Of A Button
Social networks aimed at putting people and companies in contact are proving to be very useful in locating professionals, both in the case of managers and mid-level professionals. This recruitment strategy brings new profiles, such as ‘ net hunters, ‘the name by which the new generation of ‘headhunters’ is known, use this medium almost exclusively to respond to the demands of their clients in the search for personnel, which makes it inevitable for those who wish to be located, passive candidates, to maximize your image, brand identity, and professional reputation to be easily visible and attractive on the web.
These social networks are helpful both for those who need to be hired and for the personnel selection expert, and they allow the latter to expand their search and speed it up geographically. In the same way, the professional who seeks to improve his working life or is in a job search situation can specify what type of position he is interested in and receive directly in his email inbox the published offers that respond to these characteristics.
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