Teleworking: What Does The Law Say?

Teleworking is working away from the employer’s premises regularly, and the employee performs this work over the Internet from a computer or mobile device. What does the law say about this?
The Implementation Of Teleworking
Valuable information on this way of working can also be read in a human resources book. Among the sources on teleworking, we can also cite some DCG Annales (accounting and management diploma).
- The methods for implementing teleworking were modified during the reform of the Labor Code. This implementation is now carried out by collective agreement or through a charter.
- Occasional teleworking is also possible by an agreement between the employer and the employee. It no longer needs to be mentioned in the employment contract or amendment to the contract.
- The employee can ask the employer to telework. The latter is free to accept or refuse. In case of refusal, he must give the reasons for his decision. On the other hand, the employer cannot force an employee to telework.
- Teleworking can be occasional in some instances (bad weather, epidemics, pollution peaks, etc.)
- The employer must make a position available to the teleworking employee who wishes to return to the company’s premises.
- Teleworking: working conditions
- The employer is not obliged to cover the costs incurred by teleworking (telephone, Internet, software, etc.), but a collective agreement or a charter may impose this coverage.
The Employee Is Free To Organize His Working Time
- The employer can control the employee’s working time according to the terms specified in the charter or collective agreement.
- The employer must organize at least one interview per year with the teleworking employee.
- An accident during teleworking hours at the workplace is a work accident. However, the employer can show that the accident was unrelated to the employee’s duties.
- The teleworking employee benefits from meal vouchers when his day includes a meal break.
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