What Is The Metaverse And How Will It Affect Brands?

Do you know what the metaverse is ? Imagine unreal worlds in which we could express ourselves and feel like in the real world, but where the limits were lower and the brands could express themselves as they wanted. You may think that brands already do it, but what the metaverse offers goes much further. It is assumed that the metaverse will not understand “bureaucracy” or architectural limits to build a store, a headquarters or even a city, that fully lives and exhales the identity and spirit of the brand.
What Is The Metaverse And How Will It Affect Brands?
Basically, the metaverse is a virtual world where you enter with an avatar that you build in your image and likeness, or not, and do things in the broadest sense of the word. That is to say, like a video game, but instead of looking at it through a screen and managing yourself with a controller, you enter through virtual reality glasses and other devices that will come and carry out actions, you immerse yourself in another world. It is that in the metaverse our avatar can behave just like our person and interact in the same way.
If we understand what the metaverse is, we will understand that brands could be as subtle or as exaggerated as they wish. They could create cities as they wish, buildings, stores or environments in their image and likeness to, finally, convey an absolute brand experience .
What would the city of Nike be like? Perhaps it would not be a city, it would be a natural place where the same environment was already conceived to live in sports and a healthy life. What would Chanel’s world be like? Would it be a recreation of Coco Chanel herself in a material and physical sense? Only elegantly simple people would enter, it would be full of camellias, an ode to tweed. Or the Red Bull metaverse, if they already have few limits in the real world, what would they not do in the metaverse where gravity does not exist. They would have practically absolute freedom.
The Metaverse Requires Total Self-Awareness For Brands
When Armani set out to create his hotels, it must have been a challenge to convey the brand in every act, gesture, person or corner. What would the towels of an Armani hotel be like, the staff, the crockery and cutlery to serve breakfast, what coffee would be the right one,? Every little detail should convey the spirit of the brand and not disappoint. The brands will study perfectly what the metaverse is and will take advantage of it as their great opportunity to transmit their essence in everything.
Now, brands have time to get to know each other so deeply because technology has not yet reached the point of being able to offer what is being said, there is no time to investigate, there is already investment because many companies apart from Meta are interested in the metaverse being a reality. After the technology allows us to enter and live in the metaverse, it must be accessible to a sufficient number of public so that the brands in turn find it profitable to create their world.
When Will All This Come True?
Of course, with the metaverse, a world (literally many worlds) of possibilities opens up for brands. The most realistic say that before reaching the metaverse , the definitive step to web 3.0 must first be taken. In addition to taking this step towards web 3.0 , users must also have our wallets and use them, of course.
The moment the metaverse becomes a reality , brands will no longer have a target audience , buyers or users to have communities of people who live in their world. Some members who will feel fully identified with the brand and will demand constant actions, the content will be even more important and must be more fluid and constant.
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