What Are The Means To Digitize Human Resources?

In a society on the move, where travel and travel are increasingly precarious, remote work is taking hold, as are professional relations and, therefore, recruiting and personnel management. How to

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Working From Home

In search of a quality of life combining professional and personal fulfillment, more and more people are turning to working from home. The development of communication tools and an economic

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Converting Your Garage Into An Office

The garage is considered an annex room and offers a neutral space to adapt to different needs. Do-it-yourself workshop, garden shed, laundry room… It can also become a living room,

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Teleworking: What Does The Law Say?

Teleworking is working away from the employer’s premises regularly, and the employee performs this work over the Internet from a computer or mobile device. What does the law say about

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Personal Email In Business: What Does The Law Say?

As in a private company, the mailbox provides several functionalities in the public service. On a technical level, it also authorizes the sending of personal email. From a legal point

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CRM: Choose Between SaaS And On-Premise Model

CRM software (customer relationship management) can be used in “SaaS” mode or in “On Premise” mode. But what is it all about? And how do you choose between the two?

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How Marketing And Sales Change In B2B When The World Suddenly Stands Still

Who would have believed at the beginning of the year that the economy would get a chin hook that would more or less lead to a global knockout? And that

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What Is The Added Value Of Trade Fairs In 2022?

Before the pandemic, the trade fair set the structure and timing of the annual planning for many medium-sized B2B companies and primarily determined the use of the marketing budget. Designers

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What Does B2B Marketing Mean?

B2B Marketing, B-to-B Marketing, or BtoB Marketing is the abbreviation for Business to Business Marketing. This means that marketing occurs between two or more companies – and not between companies

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